
Jetty of Normanville

My interest in traveling

Travel has always been one of my passions since young. When you are young, you do not get to choose where you want to go. You pretty much just follow where your parents take you. While I was financially dependant on them, I do not have much of a choice. So I took comfort in the fact that I got to go somewhere at least.

I started traveling solo after I have graduated from university. My trip with a bunch of my friends to the Gold Coast for our graduation celebration convinced me that group traveling is not for me. Put it simply, I hate to have someone wasting my time and hearing all his or her excuses while I am on holiday.

Traveling solo

Since then I have been trying to convince anyone who is contemplating traveling alone, how much fun it would be! I have met genuine and helpful along the way, made amazing friends and most of all, my travels convince me that there is still hope for us humans yet. Of course, I have always some interesting stories to tell when I get home.

I started to travel yearly starting in Australia, then China, New Zealand, Japan, Germany, and the list goes on. As I have also been an expat in three countries, the list of places where I have been started to gradually increase. Yet I have not managed to travel full time as I have hope for since childhood. But I am working toward that goal.

The travel section

All my quirky travel stories are within this section and I do hope you will find some of them interesting too. At times it amazes me how some of my most meaningful friendships started by me traveling halfway around the world only to meet someone from my own country while we would never have met even when we are living within the same country. I have also met the most like-minded person while traveling without even thinking that was possible in the first place. So I hope you will be able to find something you like in this section.

Follow the links below and start exploring!