Unique Valentine’s day celebration in Japan

Unique Valentine’s day celebration in Japan

February 13, 2019 0 By aschley

Japan has a special valentine’s day ritual compared to the rest of the world. I suppose this is what makes this wonderful country unique. Rather than men buying gifts for women, in Japan, women buy gifts for men during Valentine’s day. And the gifts? Chocolates, of course!

The meaning of Valentine’s gifts in Japan

Gifting during Valentine’s day gives the opportunity for a lady to express her interest or love for a particular gentleman in a subtle way. I have been given the understanding that most Japanese are too shy to tell someone directly about their feelings. Therefore, gifting during Valentine’s day becomes an equal opportunity for all to share their feelings with their special other.

mini chocolate cake, valentines day

The ladies will receive a reciprocal gift from their gentlemen on the same day the following month, also known as White Day. Receiving a gift from their special person would mean that their feelings are reciprocated.

However, these days, men and women buy chocolates during the period of Valentine’s day even without the intention of gifting them to anyone. In order to love someone else, one would be required to at least have self-love. Thus, buying chocolate for yourself becomes an act of rewarding oneself too.

You might have notice, if you are a Japanese drama fan, that some ladies prefer to make these chocolate themselves. They are certainly less expensive than bought ones. Besides, taking the effort to make homemade chocolates just gives them an extra level of sincerity.

One of the busiest time of the year for Chocolatiers

Needless to say, it is one of the busiest time of the year for the Chocolatiers. Most big department stores such as Diamaru will even organize a chocolate fair closer to Valentine’s day. If you have not been to such fairs and likes crowd this is probably where you would want to check it out.

I could only describe that as madness both the number of people and the types and the number of chocolates. However, being there just makes you feel like you are joining in the fun!

What if I want to make my own?

Making your own chocolate could not be easier during this time of the year. In fact, even hundred-yen shops sell packets of chocolate making kits for making chocolates of all shapes and sizes. You will also find beautiful valentine themed packing materials which will allow you to present your final product in the most touching manner.

As for me, I prefer to sit down to a chocolaty platter instead!