The JET program and I

The JET program and I

October 6, 2018 0 By aschley

What is the JET Program

The Japanese Exchange and Teaching program (JET) is a teaching exchange program between Japan and other countries of the world. Started in 1987, the program aims to facilitate internationalization of Japan’s local communities. Part of the aim is also to improve foreign language education, most notably English. Aspiring participants have to submit their application and the successful ones will be contacted for an interview. If one is selected after the interview and chooses to accept the job offer, one becomes a JET participant.

Not the most ideal beginning

The JET program and I did not get off on a good start. My first encounter with the program was when one of my acquaintances got into the program. Needless to say, I wanted to get in too. It was extremely appealing. You get to have a job in Japan before you even set foot in Japan. That beats applying for a holiday working visa and try to fend for yourself when you arrive. Nothing yells “That is cool!” as loud as that.


So the research began. Back in 2010, I could not speak a word of Japanese. Although I was partial to the position of Coordinator of International Relations (CIR), it was simply out of my league. Left without any choice, I decided to apply for the position of being an assistant language teacher (ALT). I signed up with I to I to study for my TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) certification online in preparation for my application.


Alas! Even with my best effort and intention, I did not get the job. Looking back, I realized that was probably because I did not want it enough. Although I passed all the hurdles of TEFL, I never really wanted to be a teacher anyway. My heart is set on being a CIR. The next logical move for me is to start learning Japanese.


After a year of self-struggle and self-doubt, I decided to quit my job, pack my bags and moved to Hokkaido. I enrolled myself in a Japanese language school and began my journey to acquire my dream job and life one step at a time. Unbeknownst to me, it took me 5 years to get to my goal but I have never regretted any of my choices.


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